Sunday, June 5, 2011

Where to Begin?

Over the last few days I have recieved tons of questions on where I get my coupons.  I have told people the usual answers newspaper, internet, etc.  However, as I begun to think I realized they really wanted to know how I had all the coupons to score the great deals.  So, I decided to show you the easy way to build your coupon stash in an organized way. 

First, go out and buy yourself a newspaper (I would suggest getting a subscription to the Oklahoman, because they always get all the inserts, unlike the News Star.)  Pull all the coupon inserts out of it.  There will be 3 this week.  Proctor and Gamble, Red Plum and Smart Source.  Now, go through and clip any coupons that you know you might need in the next few days for your usually grocery shopping list.  Do not throw away the rest!!!  Save the rest even if you don't think you will use it.  And, remember just because you have a coupon does not mean you should go out and buy something.  If you don't need it now wait and it may be a lot cheaper later!

Second, get yourself a filing folder (could be like this one:)
Put a tab in the marker telling you what date (for example put 6/5 for today.)   You want to hang on to the inserts for around 6 months because some coupons are good that long.  Or you can get manilia folders and store them in a filing cabinet.  Or you can be creative and find your own way to store them, as long as they are clearly labeled.  You will want to do this so when my blog or another awesome blog tells you to go to an insert you will know exactly which one it is and be able to locate your coupon and clip it in under a minute.

Third, make a habit of a visiting internet coupon sites such as,,, or and printing out coupon you know or think you might use.  Coupons go on and off these pretty fast, so if you think you might want it then print it now!

Fourth,  talk with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or fellow church members to see if they get a paper.  Ask them to save any coupons they are aren't using for you.  The more inserts you get the more of each coupon you have.  (But, I don't really suggest going out and buying a dozen newspapers every week.  Free is always best!)

Use these few steps and you will build a good amount of coupons in a few weeks and scoring great deals in no time!

Happy Shopping Friends!

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