Only the first 50,000 will get it. So print it ASAP. You have to like the page and it will pop the screen. Press the button that says download coupon and wait a minute for it to print.
Once you get this coupon you can use is at Walgreens starting on 6-5 with in ad coupon to score a can for $.19. Not too shabby!!! I imagine also you might be able to score a can pretty cheap over at Homeland, but I don't know what the final price would be. If you go and use the coupon let me know!
Happy Shopping Friends
(Mad props to
I printed this coupon last night (but it was so late I didn't get a chance to post!) and I intend to let it double at Homeland for FREE tuna! If it's not under $1 normally (which I'm fairly certain it is), it will most likely go on sale before the coupon expires next month. :)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know, I was at Homeland today and, indeed, Chicken of the Sea is only $0.89 - or $1 for the low-sodium variety. Either way, it's FREE after doubles!