Friday, June 24, 2011

Freebies for today

Good morning all!  I had an especially early start do to an overly excited toddler this morning, so as she runs around the house puilling all her toys out, I thought I would show you all a few freebies I found last night.
  First, up Bounty is giving away a $5 coupon for a free package of Paper Towels.  They are giving away 5,000 of them, but this morning they went in less than 8 min. so you have to be on your toes to snag this deal.  Head on over here and Like them.  Then, keep an eye between 9am-12pm (central time) for them to release the link to the coupon.  Good luck!
 Next up is free Crest samples and coupons from Walmart.  Go here and fill out all the info. and your free sample and coupons will be sent to you in the mail.

    After that we a free learning game for kiddos, if you have a little one at home that is old enough to read.  Just head on over here and fill out the info. or connect with facebook

    This one is rather exciting for me as I am almost always a tank top only girl during the sumer.  So, you can bet I will be there!  Old Navy has their ribbed tank tops on sale for $2 each with a limit of 10 per customer.  Go here http://http// and print out the coupon to take with you to the store.

Lastly we have a free 4th of July ebook.  It has craft ideas and some for kids, too!  Hope you enjoy it! (you have to dowload the pdf on the site.)

Well, friends I need to wrangle this crazy 1 year old and I think  it may be time for a game and hide and go seek!  So, I hope you find some great deals out there!
(Big thanks to consumerqueen, hip2save, couponcloset and afullcup!)

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