Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday Newspaper Coupons and Deals from CVS

  Hey all!  I wanted to share with you a site that shows what coupons are in the paper on Sunday.  Here's the link  On this site it will tell you what is in the inserts and what inserts are in the paper.  The only down side of this site is it list the coupons that could be in a paper, but we might  not get all of the ones in there. :(  But, it is nice to see whats in there to help make your shopping list.

  Okay, so here are deals from CVS and Walgreens (I am learning about CVS every time I go in there so bear with me as I learn)
CVS Deals

Zyrtec- Buy 1 at $5.99 and get $5.99 in ECB, so it's like getting it free after rewards.  Plus, head over here and sign up to print the coupons. 

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