Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cheap to free finds at Homeland.

Hello All!!!  In my craziness yesterday I stopped by Homeland and picked up a few items from the store.  I found a few things that I thought you all might be interested in! 

Dole M.O.-$1.19 each, buy 2 use $1/2 and Pay $.38 wyb 2!

  Dole Mandarian Oranges are $1.19 each at Homeland on Harrison ( I am not sure about the Kickapoo.  Let me know if you see it there for the same!)  There is a coupon for $1/2 (this means $1 off when you buy 2) in the 5-22-11 SS.  (As you know Homeland doubles the coupon up to $1 meaning you will get $2 off when you buy two) Therefore each can is only $.19!!!  These are staple in our house, so what a great price!!!!

Nestle Crunch Bar-$.50 each, buy 2 use $.50/2 and Pay $0.00 wyb 2!         or
-$.50 each, buy 1 use $.35/1 and Pay $0.00

Nestle Crunch bars are on sale at Homeland for .50 each.  There is a $.50/2 coupon located in the 5/22/11 Smart Source (on all nestle candy bars and Butterfingers are on sale, too.)  Buy 2 bars at $.50 each and use the coupon (it will double $1) and Viola free candybars!!!
   Or you go to and print the $.35/1 coupon (can print up to 2 coupons from 1 computer.  So, if you have more than one computer you can print more.)  You may have to go thru all the pages (if it is not popping up change the zip code to 60606)  Buy 1 (at Homeland) and use the .35 off 1 (it will double.) Final cost is free! 

KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce- $.89, Buy 1 use $1/1 and pay $0.00

   KC BBQ sauce is on sale for $.89 this week (til the 7th I believe.)  At Homeland, use the $1 off 1 coupon found in 5/15/11 Smart Source.  The coupon doesn't need to double so you can use multiple coupons to score free BBQ sauce!    (Mad Props to Ashley at

Lunchables- $2.50, Buy 1 use $1/1 and pay $.50

   Several varieties are on sale at Homeland for $2.50.  Use the $1 off 1 coupon found in the 5-15-11 Smart Source.  There is $1 off 1 for the sandwhich combo lunchable found there as well.  You can use one with fruit and one of the combos and they will both double!

I, also, bought a Hidden Valley Ceasar Salad kit for $.79 using the $1 off 1.  I got an A on my reciept saving 91% and I only spent 1.90!  Not too bad!

If you find an awesome deal feel free to leave a comment or send me an email!

Happy Shopping Friends!!!

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