Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Price Match at Walmart.

 Hey all I wanted to share a tip for saving money with no coupons at all.  With My subscription to the Oklahoman I get the Wed. paper and in it I recieve the sales ad for Buy4less, Homeland and Save-alot.  We don't actually have a Buy 4 Less in Shawnee which is kind of sad seeing as they have some good deals.  But, you can price match at Walmart without making the drive to the city to go there.  So if you were to take a few minutes to look through there sale ads you will be able to save a couple of dollars off your grocery bill.  I think I ended up saving about $10 just by price matching. 
   A good example was Buy 4 Less had their Sunny D on sale for .$99 for the 64 oz bottle.  Walmart had it over $2 a bottle.  All I had to do was show the cashier the ad and then she changed the price to match the ad.  $10 doesn't seem like much but it if you are a weekly shopper like me that is $40 in one month and $480 a year!  Who couldn't use that?!?  So, next time don't just throw the ads away take a few minutes to circle anything on sale and put in your purse when you go shopping! 

 If you have any question about price matching don't hestiate to email at
Hope you all find some great deals out there!

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