Friday, July 1, 2011

Book Review for and Excellent Book about Couponing!

     Hello all!!! It’s almost Independence Day and I was able to score some down time and I wanted to share with you one of the book I just finished!  I found this book at our wonderful library along with several other wonderful books that I hope to tell you about after the weekend!
   The book is called The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bill in Half by Stephanie Nelson.  Nelson was featured on Oprah and the Today show.  She is an avid couponer and wanted to share her knowledge with others.
  The book goes through grocery stores, drug stores and warehouse stores (such as Sam's Club.)  She also talks about how coupons work and how to read them.  She covers how to price track items to know when they are on the greatest sales.  Also, at the end she gives meal suggestions on a budget for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  She also breaks down the cost for these meals.  The 2nd to last chapters also has quite a few budget friendly meals, which also sound really good, too!
     So, what did I think?  She is a very clear and concise writer.  Mrs. Nelson explains the concepts of couponing in a simple way making them easy to get.  She is very thourgh and even puts the concepts in easy to understand examples.  Although, there was only a few things in the book I didn't know or am not doing, there were several things I know I don't and should start.  Things like price tracking and really matching meals up to what was on sale were areas that I know I am weak in and in the book she explains easy ways to do both.    If you are a beginner couponer and wanting to know more, but confused by how everything works this is an awesome book for you!  Even if you are an advance couponer there are a few things you might find you didn't know!  I would definitely suggest this book to read for anyone who wants to learn how to save hundreds on their grocery bill!
      She has an online site that I am not particularly fond of because there are a ton of ads on the page, but you may find you will enjoy this site.  It can be located at !  Well that's all for now friends I hope you all find some great deals out there!

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