Hey all! I found a few items you may be interested in doing!
It's rumored that the Sauve "Can You Tell" game has reset! Last time I played I recieved one free product and I got the Dry Shampoo which I love! So head here http://www.suave.com/canyoutell/ and watch at least 4 videos and the more you get right when answering whether you think the stylist is right the better chances you have of getting free product (but you can get it if you watch all of the videos, assuming there are still coupons left.) Hope you get one!
Here, https://www.facebook.com/BobbiBrown?sk=app_185487958170963 , a chacnce to win a free lip gloss from Bobbi Brown. Just like them and there will be a drawing to give away 10,000! After you like them fill out your name, address and b-day and your set!
Looks like there is another freebie at Walmart and a little overage to help cover tax! I haven't personal gotten this one at Walmart, but it sure can't hurt to take the coupon along. I will let you know when I do go that the price is indeed $1.97! But, I had to share!
Buy 1 Noxzema Bikini Shavers (3 pack) $1.97 and use the $2 off 1 coupon found in the 7/10 Red Plum
The final cost is free with a .03 overage!
Go here http://chilis.zuberance.com/offersV2/singleOfferBuy/29323320 to print a coupon for a free dessert at Chili's today only!
http://www.facebook.com/shoutlaundry?sk=app_6009294086#!/shoutlaundry?sk=app_6009294086 Go there for a free sample of Shout Wipes! You may need to Like them first and then click on the tab. It will pop a new window and you fill ou the info!
I saw a couple people in OKC were able to score free floss at Homeland! You need the Oral B Floss $.75 off 1 coupon found in the 7-3 P&G. The floss should be marked down to $1.31 for this deal to work!
Here is a free sample of Tropical Breeze cologne for Men. http://www.tropicalbreezefragrance.com/index_ing.htm The page will load and there is a tab for a free sample. When the window pops fill out the info and there you go!
If you go any where near a 7/11 make sure you head inside to pick up a free slurpie!
The last thing I want to suggest today is checking out all the deals from Staples for back to school! The sale last til 7/13 so hurry. But, there are a lot of penny and quater deals! Head on over here to check out all the great buys http://weeklyad.staples.com/staples/default.aspx?action=entryflash&adref=%20staples_right_hand_nav&cm_sp=marketing-_-Weekly%20ad%20header-_-weekly%20ad%20header
Alright thats it for now! If you find a great deal out there or want to share your haul please let me know at brandicoffman@gmail.com!
Hope you find some great deals out there!
(Thanks consumerqueen, hip2save, afullcup, Krazycoupon Lady!)
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