Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A couple of money saving tips!

   Okay, so a few things that can really save you money if you know what to look out for!

Tip #1-  Read the label and see how much you really need of a product.  We had an example this, where my hubby went through 2 bottles of 28 wash detegerent in probably 10 washes (if that.)  He pointed out that those bottles were not making it to 28 loads as promised.  So, I asked him how much he was using and he stated a full cap.  I read the direction later to find out he was only to use a 1/4 of a cap per load.  So, moral of the story is if you don't read the label and find out exactly how much you need you may be pouring money down the drain!

Tip #2-  When shopping for meats I tend to want variety in my meals, but sometimes the variety I crave in meats aren't always in the budget.  Therefore I always check and see what is discounted at the grocery store.  I find Homeland has the best selection of discounted meats.  If you check this section you can find cuts of meats that may have been $8 marked down to $4.  Not a bad price, but it gets better if you check for packages that have sale by dates that are in the next day or 2 and again they could be reduce by half.  Making that $8 meat only $2 bucks.  If, a package has a sale by date of the next day and it is not marked down take it to the manager and see if he will reduce it or when it is going to be reduced.  Try to skip doing this during busy rush times like between 5-7.  Your much more likely to get a no. 
    The other day I was able to score 2 lbs of Chicken, 2 lbs of Pork Ribs, 1.5 lbs of Gourmet Hamburgers and 1.75 lbs of steak for $7.  If you can not use it the same night then freeze it and dethaw it when you can cook it.  Finding cheap meat on deals allows my family to add a lot of variety into our meals and keeps me a happy camper!  Also, keep an eye out for sea food marked down as well!

Tip #3- Sign up for free samples.   I have probably said it a million times but it will save you so much money in the long run to do this!  There have been quite a few times I have gotten full bottles of things when I have signed up for free samples!  Plus, they often send high value coupons that will lead to big savings later.  I suggest making a samples email because you will get alot of emails from companies.  After you do that sign up with companies like http://www.vocalpoint.com/ and http://www.allyou.com/coupons-deals/daily-free-samples-00411000069695/ Places like this will help you snag those samples!  And it is so much fun to go the mail box and recieve a box with a surprise in it lol!

Tip #4-  If there is something wrong with the product that you bought don't waste your money and just throw it away (if it is a food please do throw it away, but keep the packaging!  Other items such as diapers they may ask you send an example of the pruduct back in, so it is wise to hold on to those type of things.)  Call the 1-800 # on the packaging and tell them was wrong with it.  They will almost always offer to replace it and sometimes send more coupons along with it.  So, take the few minutes and call and tell them.  And remember you will always catch more flies with honey than vinegar so be nice!

There are always a ton more tips and you have any you would like to share with our readers feel free to email me at brandicoffman@gmail.com!

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