Walgreens has Pampers on sale for 2/$20 with $3 register rewards. If you use the Walgreens Pampers Coupon found in the Walgreens baby care booklet and a manufacture coupon found in the 7/31 P&G (Use the one that is for Crusiers or Swaddler $2/1.) You will need 2 from the 7/31 P&G and just the one from Walgreens (and remember not to allow them to take it! Plus, if you do not have one the Walgreens on Harrison has the numbers they can enter.) So it breaks down like this:
2/$20 Pampers Cruisers or Swaddlers
-$4 Walgreens coupons on 2 packages
-$4 Manufacture coupons (2 coupons for 2 packages)
Pay $12 and recieve $3 RR making the total price $9 or $4.50 for each package. Not too shabby.
Plus, at the register it will print out a $2 off next Crusier or Swaddler purchase for $10 to $24.99 and $5 coupon for $25 or over.
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