Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lots of stuff for today!

  Hey all!  Life has been so crazy busy!  I have got to see my family from out of town for the last two weeks, which has been such a blessing to me.  They are so precious!  But, it really has left little to no time to blog for you my dear friends, but no worries I have lots for you today!

    Here is a new thing for me that may not be new to you, but here are the new target coupons for you this week.  For those of you who drive to the city every week to target you can stack these with manufacture coupons to make for some great deals!  But, if you are like me and make it into Oklahoma City rarely then you can just print these out and use them at Walmart!  Remember it has to be the same brand (they won't substitue Target brand for Walmart brand, etc.) and have an actual amount (meaning it can be a 50% off coupon, but can be a BOGO.)  Here is the link to the coupons!  Enjoy!


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