Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Opening notes and Upcoming Coupon Class!

Why coupon???  I never even thought about couponing until I started my business and my husband and I had a baby in the same year!  Suddenly, we were facing life with one guarnteed income and an extra mouth to feed.  I never realized how much money could be saved just by spending a little thoughtful time before each shopping trip.  I know on any given day I can save at least 50% on my grocery.  That means that on any given day I can my money go twice as far!  I am no expert in couponing, but I am learning all the time and have a lot to share with others. 
     I hope to use this blog as a helpful tool for those in Shawnee, Ok to save a little money.  Most of the stuff you will see on here will be a combination of things found on the internet or deals I (or friends of the blog) find in the stores here in town as we find them.  So, if you have a coupon trip your proud or a great deal to share send it to me and I will post it!
    If you are interested in a coupon class please contact me and I will be setting updates for the classes soon.  In your email let me know morning, afternoon or evening is best for you!  Thanks

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